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Gimp Tutorials

How the Group Icon was made Cloning technique which is also the basis of Cutouts
Orton Technique Orton Imagery is a technique developed by Michael Orton in the slides days which achieved magic effects by putting on the same frames two slides, one sharp and the other out of focus. We have here the digital adaptation.
Leveling horizons Humans are very good at picking a horizon that is not level. However when we are taking photographs we don't always get it right. This tutorial is a simple method of correcting that.
Haze Removal Various man made and natural factors contribute to a photo having "haze", this tutorial is one method of correcting that.
Tone mapping Reduce global contrast in images while increasing local contrast and shadow/highlight detail.

Gimp tutorials websites

Gimparoo Blog with several interesting tutorials
GimpWiki This might eventually become a collection of tutorials entirely written inside this wiki. If any other wiki tutorials sites for gimp are out in the net, this one might become superfluous
Fotolibre Blog in spanish which contains interesting information aimed at the professional photographer. We are trying to get authorization from the author to translate in to English
Gimpguru Contains several very interesting tutorials aimed at different levels of expertise
German Gimp Tutorials An interesting Wiki built in the direction we want to move. However German is not always intuitive …

UFraw Tutorials

UFRaw at Digital Light and Shadow UFRaw can be used as a standalone tool and as a Gimp plugin. As a standalone tool it would produce 8 or 16 bit image files. These files can be used for further processing in Gimp. There are reasons why you would want to go this route to Gimp. You have here the description of this Workflow steps
Fotolibre Blog in spanish which contains interesting information aimed at the professional photographer. We are trying to get authorization from the author to translate in to English

UFraw in batch

If you are a command line kind of person , don't forget ufraw-batch.
If you have a dual core processor, you can utilize both cores to convert many raw photos with something like ….
odds=`ls *[13579].raw`
evens=`ls *[02468].raw`
for Oraw in $odds; do ufraw-batch [options] $Oraw; done &
for Eraw in $even; do ufraw-batch [options] $Eraw; done

Qtpfsgui Tutorials

Basic tutorial Or how to make your HDRs in full control without needing automatix.
Parameters for photographers How do the technical parameters translate into something meaningful for the photographer in order to achieve the wanted result

HDR Tutorials

Creation of an HDR (openEXR format) image using cinepaint
QPFSTMO is a front-end to the pfstmo toolkit. It will allow to tonemap an OpenEXR image


Apophysis Fractal flame tutorials Apophysis is a freeware Windows program for designing and rendering fractal flames. It was created by Mark Townsend and has since been improved and updated by Peter Sdobnov, Piotr Borys and Ronald Hordijk. Fractal Flames were originally developed in 1992 by Scott Draves.
Tutorial by Fractal Dreamer This tutorial is not about the nitty gritty ins and outs of Apophysis. But rather a basic tutorial for the beginner to get a handle on this programme.

Inkscape Vector Ilustrator

Inscape Documentation Inkscape is an open source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. What sets Inkscape apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as the native format.

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